This particular client had worn the frets completely down in a few spots and was complaining about fretting out with bends larger than 2 frets, and a sticky fingerboard from excessive finish.
So off to work we went carefully pulling the old frets, re-radius the fretboard to a 14″ Rad, sand to fine finish, seal the board (our own custom finish), Refret with new stainless steel frets and super fine polish on frets.
Now you have one awesome playing Neck!! No buzzing anywhere. Of course we tested with fretboard perfectly straight (no relief) and 1/64″ action at fret 21 on all strings with no buzzing, super smooth bending as far as you can manage on all strings and a super smooth fingerboard that feels like raw food.
Nut slots were recut to exact diameter of strings and at proper angle.
We also cleaned up the back of the neck joint where the neck meets the body. Fender likes to put their inspection stickers there and leave a bit of a mess. This robs tone and creates tuning instability. We sand the back of the neck down to the wood on 3/4″ glass for a perfectly flat surface area, this yields great wood to wood contact for more TONE and SUSTAIN and great tuning stability as the neck is not prone to shifting.
Now we have a great playing guitar that has been brought up to modern standards with better tone and tuning stability.